Monday, April 21, 2008


I came from a breeder north of San Francisco. All the shibas from the breeder are named starting with Copperdot. So my entire name is Copperdot Ikura plus my last name. Check out some of my relatives, my fellow Copperdots at

All of us look a lot alike, similar color, facial features, but of course I am the cutest one, right?

One of the Copperdots, forgot his name, was chosen as best in his class at the Westminster Kennel show last year. He looked a lot like me. Maybe I should enter a dog show. Or, maybe not. I heard it is a lot of work for the dogs to have to stand still, trot around the ring, and look cute. I think I rather hunt grasshoppers and birds in the backyard.


  1. hmmm... food for thought. i know that my owner doesn't want me to enter a cat show- im too uncooperative.

    -Raven the Cat

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