Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Iditarod is ending!

The Iditarod race in Alaska is almost ending. The leading team is only three checkpoints away from Nome (the destination) out of about 25 checkpoints. I would have quit by first check point, it would be sooo cold! (attack of the numb paws ...). Hey, there is a dog in the picture that looks like me! It sure looks cold there with all that ice and snow, and those dogs have nerve...a whole lot of nerve!

alaskastock.com got great pictures of Alaska for purchase and/or download


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you're good! i would have quit by the time we got to Alaska. seriously, the time when i uhh..... slipped into the freezer, it was COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -Raven the Cat
